Oskar Bilbao will integrate in BAL performance optimization pioneer project.
Laboral Kutxa Baskonia has a new face for next season that begins on Monday. Luka Svilar, Croatian 28 years-old physical conditioning coach will take care of the players’ condition vinculated to the first baskonista team.
Svilar is taking over the responsibilities that Oskar Bilbao has been performing during over two decades at Baskonia. Bilbao will be included from this course in the new ambitious project called BAL Sòrt Performance System. He will put in his experience accumulated these years to bring an integral performance on this new staff.
New baskonista physical conditioning coach racks up an extensive career linked to Croatia National Team young squads as well as he is basketball coach and official.
Under Luka Svilar’s adding the baskonista staff is closed up. Leader by Sito Alonso, the following list describes every role on it:
Head coach: Sito Alonso
Assistant coach: Óscar Lata
Assistant coach: David Gil
Doctor: Marcelo Bronzini
Physical conditioning coach: Luka Svilar
Team Manager: Carlos Toquero
Physiotherapists: Isaac Alonso y Asier Ugarte
Equipment manager: Santiago Matilla