Hand by hand with a group of sponsors and suppliers, the Vitoria based entity is launching this solidarity initiative aimed to the disadvantaged groups of people from the capital of Álava.
Solidarity in times of coronavirus becomes even more important and that’s where Alaves-Baskonia Group and its sponsoring companies want to be present. Together with a group of eight companies that provide food for Baskonia and Alaves, the entity from Vitoria has turned the Buesa Arena (the facility where the basketball team plays) into a storage place in order to keep more than 10,000 food products that these companies have decided to donate in a disinterested way. All the products will be distributed into two reception centers in the city, the CMAS (municipal hostel) and the Arquillos Residence. Thousands of families throughout the Historical Territory of Alava will benefit from this action which will also complete the Red Cross shopping cart through its project “Red Cross Responds”.
Nestlé, GOIKOA, Coca-Cola, La Brasileña, Iberitos, Amutio, MCDonalds and La Vitoriana are the names and protagonists of this solidarity initiative that will provide food and resources to all those citizens of Vitoria-Gasteiz and Alava at risk of serious residential exclusion. More than 10,000 products to improve the diet of those social groups that are most vulnerable in this critical moment. The Alaves-Baskonia Group once again demonstrates its commitment to Alava’s society and continues to promote solidarity actions to help the most disadvantaged groups that are most affected by the current health crisis.